Saturday, October 4, 2014

Canterbury buries the instruments of unity

From Anglican Ink- The actual interview with  Church of Ireland Gazette can be found here:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has claimed the authority to determine who is Anglican. In a wide ranging conversation with the Church of Ireland Gazette, the archbishop offered his appreciation of the ecclesiology of the Anglican Communion, placing his office in the center of the church's polity.
He further stated he saw the Anglican Church in North America as an ecumenical partner, not a member church of the Anglican Communion.

While Archbishop Justin Welby’s comments about the ecclesial relationship between the Church of England and the ACNA break no new ground, his defense of his appointment of an ACNA priest to an honorary post in the Church of England by asserting the priest’s orders were valid as they were conveyed by the Episcopal Church of the USA raises the question of the validity of the ministerial orders conveyed by ACNA's bishops. The archbishop's comments also appear put paid to the notion of four instruments of unity within the Communion, down grading the Anglican Consultative Council in setting the parameters of the Anglican world, placing the primates in a consultative role, while elevating his office as the arbiter of Anglicanism.

More here-

1 comment:

  1. This guy. Really, he makes a mess of whatever it is that he does nothing aobut (except visiting provinces and making nice-nice with a few bigots and thieves...almost Biblical, but eh, not so much). Meanwhile, in Rome, the Pope Francis is unravelling miles of brocaded bigshots so the World can breathe.
