Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Desmond Tutu cancels travels plans to Nobel summit to battle prostate cancer

From South Africa-

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu has cancelled all travel plans for the rest of the year in order to battle cancer, his foundation said Tuesday.

The 83-year-old Nobel peace laureate will embark “on a new course of medication to manage the prostate cancer he’s been living with for the past 15 years”, a statement said.

Tutu had been scheduled to attend a Nobel Peace Laureates Summit in Rome this week.

It is the latest medical setback for the anti-apartheid icon, who survived an illness believed to be polio as a baby and battled tuberculosis as a teenager. In 2011 he was hospitalised for “minor” elective surgery.

More here-

1 comment:

  1. Prayers ascending! Healing Lord Christ, pour your balm of mercy on your most devoted servant Desmond...
