Monday, January 12, 2015

Called flight risk, Bishop Heather Cook denied bail reduction

From Baltimore Brew-

Calling her a danger to the community and potential flight risk, a Baltimore District Court judge refused to lower Bishop Heather E. Cook’s $2.5 million bail this afternoon.

“To me she represents a grave danger to the community,” said Judge Nicole Pastore Klein at a bailing hearing at the John R. Hargrove Sr. District Court Building on Patapsco Avenue.

“I cannot trust her judgement. . . She showed a reckless and careless indifference to life.”

The judge rejected a request by defense attorney Jose A. Molina to reduce Cook’s bail to $500,000 and allow her to return to an alcohol treatment program she had entered on December 28, the day after she hit bicyclist Tom Palermo, then fled the scene as he lay dying of massive head trauma.

More here-

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