Sunday, January 4, 2015

'How Jesus Became God': Skeptic scholar asks why it matters

From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette-

For believing Christians, the identity of Jesus was announced at the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451): Jesus was always divine and human simultaneously. How did this work? Very simply, “it’s a mystery.”

But a fuller explanation of how a peasant became God is the subject of Bart Ehrman’s latest book, “How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher From Galilee,” and the subject of contentious debate among scholars. Several colleagues published a response titled “How God Became Jesus.”

Mr. Ehrman, a professor at the University of North Carolina, is a popular speaker on the evolution of Christian theology (“Misquoting Jesus,” “Lost Scriptures: Books That Didn’t Make It Into the Bible”).

More here-

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