Friday, March 20, 2015

PB and PHoD address final Executive Council Meeting

From The Cafe-

The Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and President of the House of Deputies Gay Jennings gave their opening remarks to the final Executive Council meeting of this Triennium. Twitter  hashtag for meeting is #excoun

The Presiding Bishop gave thanks for one of the most effective councils that she has experienced in her 9 year term. She cited “more than anything else, your attitude toward this work as a ministry, and your understanding that we are here to serve the wider church in its partnership for God’s mission, is responsible for the health that I think we enjoy.” The new committee structure and the work on the budget were 2 areas that flowed more efficiently and to good ends. Read it all here.

President Gay Jennings announced that she has completed appointments to Legislative Committees.  Check the appointments here.  Jennings also related her experience of signing an Amicus Brief for the Supreme Court in support of marriage equality.

More here-

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