Saturday, April 11, 2015

The importance of church

From Lancaster PA-

Churches make mistakes.

“Church is hard and screws things up a lot,” Rachel Held Evans said in a recent phone interview. “But it’s still worth it, and it’s still important.”

Evans, 33, of Dayton, Tennessee, writes about the church — flaws and all — in her latest book, “Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church,” which will be released next week.

“The questions Rachel is asking are very similar to the questions we hear from many of the congregations we work with,” Kate Good, executive director of Parish Resource Center, wrote in a press release.

“Some congregations are aging, and they are struggling to connect to young people, as well as families and even long-time congregants,” Good added. “Other churches are lively and attracting new members but don’t want to take their church life for granted.”

More here-

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