Friday, May 22, 2015

St. John’s Episcopal displays symbol of inclusion

From South Carolina-

For the first time, a downtown Charleston church is flying a Gay Pride flag. The intent is to show that St. John’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming community, said church member and Straight and Gay Alliance president Travis Baldwin.

Those walking or driving along Quarrier Street in downtown Charleston may have noticed two new flags fluttering in the breeze at St. John’s Episcopal Church.

“One is the official Episcopal flag and the other is the Gay Pride flag,” said Travis Baldwin, church member and president of the Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA). “St. John’s has always been an inclusive church since the late 1960s.”

He said the flags were the idea of the Rev. Canon Donald Vinson, of the Episcopal Diocese, who previously served as a supply priest for St. John’s and is now retired.

More here-

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