Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bishop Bruno Under Review for Locking Out St. James Congregation

From Los Angeles-

Bishop J. Jon Bruno of the Los Angeles Diocese for the Episcopal Church, who sold the St. James the Great Episcopal Church in Newport Beach to a developer and locked out the congregation, is now under review by a panel of three bishops referred by the Rt. Reverend F. Clayton Matthews, Bishop of Pastoral Development, for alleged canonical violations, according to a letter sent on July 23 to William F. Kroener III, member of St. James the Great. This was in response to Kroener’s letter notifying Bishop Matthews of the violations.

“I have been conducting interviews and reviewing correspondence with persons relevant to the matters you have raised,” wrote Bishop Matthews in his letter to Kroener. “I have determined that if the allegations presented are true, canonical violations may have occurred.”

More here-

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