Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Church Of England Apologizes For Betraying Bishop Ajayi Crowther……

From Nigeria-

The Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the Church of England, Justin Welby has apologised for the church’s mistreatment of Africa’s first bishop, Samuel Ajayi Crowther.

Archbishop Welby preaching at a ‘thanksgiving and repentance’ service marking the 150th anniversary of Bishop Crowther’s ordination, said: “This is a service of thanksgiving and repentance. Thanksgiving for the extraordinary life, which we commemorate [and] repentance, shame and sorrow for Anglicans who are reminded of the sin of many of their ancestors.”

“We in the Church of England need to say sorry that someone was properly and rightly consecrated Bishop and then betrayed and let down and undermined. It was wrong.”

More here-

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