Friday, December 11, 2015

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Morgantown, celebrates 275th Anniversary

From Bethlehem-

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Morgantown, celebrated its 275th Anniversary with a special service.

On Sunday, Dec. 6 the faithful gathered as they have for centuries to the call of God in the village of Morgantown at 6251 Morgantown Road. It was a reverent and joyous day as congregation and friends gathered to celebrate the 275th Anniversary of St. Thomas Episcopal Church.

The Church was aglow with candles on this the 2nd Sunday of the Advent Season, their light reflecting in the stained glass windows that line the church. An Advent wreath of greens with three purple and the one lone pink candle was suspended from the ceiling in the front of the church. The greens cast a shadow amidst the purple and gold of the Advent Vestments.

More here-

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