Friday, February 19, 2016

Synod votes to press on with Scottish talks, despite Episcopalian unease

From The Church Times-

THE General Synod has ignored pleas to heed the “pain” of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC), and voted to continue the ecumenical talks with the Church of Scotland which had prompted dismay in some Scottish Episcopalians.

After hearing a presentation from the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Very Revd Dr Angus Morrison, Synod members debated a motion that welcomed the joint report produced by the Churches of England and of Scotland, and called for more discussions in a permanent contact group.

Dr Morrison told the Synod that, “The strengthening of the bonds that already exist between us can only serve the ‘advance of the gospel’, which is our united desire and aim.”

A number of speakers, however, argued strongly against the report, saying that some people within the SEC had been hurt by the C of E’s actions, and by the way the report had come to light just before Christmas (News, 8 January).

More here-

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