Friday, August 5, 2016

Bishop’s post-Hugo housing program a community boon

From South Carolina-

Recently the entire Episcopal community in South Carolina was saddened to learn of the death of the Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, who served as the 13th bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina from 1990-2008. We shared warm remembrances of this great servant leader at the memorial service held at Grace Cathedral, but there’s one area in which Bishop Salmon has not been adequately recognized in my opinion. Indeed, I firmly believe when the Good Lord made Edward Salmon, he threw away the mold.

This is way, this story goes back to 1989, the year that Hurricane Hugo devastated the Charleston area. The bishop’s first year on the job, in the aftermath of Hugo, was filled with travels around the diocese and conversations with the many people inside and out of the church who were trying to make a difference. The bishop came away from that process determined that the church should play an active role in the cleanup.

More here-

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