Monday, September 19, 2016

What Does Your Church Coffee Say About Your Hospitality?

From England-

I’m convinced that one very accurate measure of our generosity and hospitality is how we operate our church coffee. I’m talking here about the post-service get together over coffee. And it boils down to this: is the coffee a gift – an act of welcome, hospitality and shared fellowship – or do you put out a begging bowl?

Let me try and paint the picture for you. I had sat through a less-than-inspiring but incredibly well-meaning URC morning service as a visitor. I was looking forward to meeting and chatting to people over a cup of coffee. I arrived at the head of the queue where I was welcomed by a smiling church member who asked me whether I wanted tea or coffee. I asked for coffee, and watched while she carefully measured out a small teaspoon of coffee, skilfully ensuring that the grains covered the bottom of the spoon (but no more) and shaking the excess back into the tin.

More here-

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