Friday, February 3, 2017

Episcopal leader here for revival

From Pittsburgh-

Episcopal revival — those are two words that historically have occupied different precincts of the church-news page.

But the top leader of the Episcopal Church plans to bring them together during a packed weekend of activities in Pittsburgh.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, who was elected in 2015 to lead the national church, plans a weekend aimed at working to heal racial and denominational divisions while also stoking an enthusiasm for evangelism. All this is aimed at an audience better known for formal liturgy within its Gothic walls and a reluctance to talk too loudly about it outside of them.

The diocese had originally contacted Bishop Curry in 2015, when he was leader of the Diocese of North Carolina, to speak here in 2016 at the annual Absalom Jones Day Celebration, which marks the ordination of the first African-American priest in the Episcopal Church in 1804.

But later in 2015, Bishop Curry was elected to lead the national church, the first African-American to become presiding bishop. His calendar suddenly crowded with other obligations, he postponed the visit a year while adding several other weekend events to it.

More here-

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