Friday, March 31, 2017

Anglican archbishop Glenn Davies slams same-sex marriage activists

From Australia-

The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney­ has branded radical same-sex marriage campaigners as a “barge of bullies” who are swamping the public debate with an “intro­spective, authoritarian den­ial of free speech”.

Writing in The Australian today, Glenn Davies says the corporate world in Australia has been “press-ganged” into supporting marriage equality and backing div­ersity by gay activists. “What kind of diversity is so monochrome that it does not allow differing­ expressions of opinion in the debate?” he says. “This narrow-minded, freedom-restricting carping is what the same-sex marriage­ campaign has come to.”

The Australian revealed last week that IBM Australia managing partner Mark Allaby had been targeted in a social media campaign after activists learned he had ties to a Christian internship program at the Lachlan Macquarie Institute.

The charity, as well as the Aust­ralian Christian Lobby, was granted official permission to keep its board members’ names sec­ret on the grounds of “public safety” after sustained abuse.

More here-

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