Friday, March 3, 2017

Nearly 2,000 Religious Leaders Declare Support For Transgender Teen In Supreme Court Case

From Huffington-

More than 1,800 religious leaders threw their support behind a transgender student’s Supreme Court case on Thursday.

They argue that equal treatment for transgender individuals, like Virginia teen Gavin Grimm, does not threaten religious liberty.

Grimm is fighting for the right to use the high school restroom that aligns with his gender identity. The Supreme Court is set to hear oral argument in his lawsuit against the Gloucester County School Board at the end of March.

In an amicus brief filed Thursday afternoon, 15 religious organizations and more than 1,800 individual faith leaders backed Grimm. Clergy from the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, the Unitarian Universalist Association, and Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism were among those who signed the brief.

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