Monday, May 8, 2017


From The Living Church-

It is not clear whether the organizers of Evangelism Matters scheduled the conference at the conclusion of the Church year so that participants would hear the Passion narrative the next weekend. This gospel bookends time to tell us that there is nothing before or after Jesus. As soon as we have spoken the final word, that Jesus is Lord, we turn again to our beginning and look for his coming. In all events, the timing was providential, putting into sharp focus both the promise and limitations of the conference.

The promise of Evangelism Matters is that it marked a step toward clarifying and enacting the Episcopal Church’s mission. Every speaker and panelist made the point that sharing the faith really is the Church’s mission, even in (gasp!) the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. The implication, which occasionally rose to an outright allusion, was that the Episcopal Church has for too long had a culture of squeamishness about evangelistic mission.

More here-

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