Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dubai bucks church decline trend

From Premier-

A double ordination at a church in Dubai has highlighted how the oil-rich city is bucking a trend of congregation decline seen in other developed countries.

Two clergy members were welcomed into new ministry positions at Christ Church in Jebal Ali during a service also said to confirm "warm" ties between authorities and the Anglican Church.

Charlotte Lloyd-Evans and Hin Lai Ching were ordained as a deacon and a priest respectively, in the presence of Minister of State for Tolerance, Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi.

Bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf Rt Rev Michael Lewis told the Anglican Communion News Service the presence of Sheikha Lubna "is further evidence of, the warm relationship and mutual respect that exists between the authorities in the UAE and the Anglican church."

Church leaders say the growing clergy team at Christ Church reflects expansion of the Church throughout the oil-rich United Arab Emirates.

More here-

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