Sunday, September 24, 2017

US Episcopal Church Loses Nearly 35,000 Members in 1 Year

From Christian Post-

The Episcopal Church in the U.S. lost nearly 35,000 members last year, according to figures released this week by the denomination which has been on a decline for about a decade.

The number of active members of TEC decreased by 34,179 in 2016, according to the statistics released. In 2015, the denomination lost 37,669 members. The average Sunday worship attendance also decreased by 9,327 last year.

"The 2016 data reflects a continuation of recent trends, although rates of decline in such key figures as Average Sunday Attendance have decreased," Canon Michael Barlowe, executive officer of TEC's general convention, says in the report.

However, the figures note that the rate of decline is slowing, and, "Overall, congregational income through pledges and other offerings has remained constant."

More here-

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