Monday, November 27, 2017

U.S. Supreme Court has rejected 8 other Episcopal cases. S.C. group hopes its case is different

From South Carolina-

The U.S. Supreme Court is known for refusing to review disputed constitutional issues until the right case comes along.

For the property rights battle dividing The Episcopal Church and breakaway groups nationwide, at least eight such cases have come and gone in as many years. The court has rejected each one.

But the Diocese of South Carolina, whose split has kept about $500 million worth of historic buildings in legal limbo, is praying for an answer from Washington after the state Supreme Court ruled that 29 properties from Myrtle Beach to Hilton Head belong to the national church.

Attorneys in other cases have argued, to no avail, that it’s high time for the nine justices to iron out whether constitutional provisions on religious freedom bar state laws from applying to such land disputes.

But the court’s past resistance isn’t necessarily an indicator of how the South Carolina case will play out.

More here-

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