Monday, November 6, 2017

Why Uhuru said no to sacrament at Anglican church

From Kenya-

President Uhuru Kenyatta and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, left congregants in laughter after a light-hearted interaction during a special church service at the All Saints Cathedral on Sunday, November 5.

After being offered an opportunity to address the faithful, a jovial Kenyatta said he was surprised by the generosity of the Anglican Church for offering him a chance to celebrate Holy Communion despite him being a Roman Catholic.

“Where I come from (Catholic Church), we don’t offer Communion to strangers and I was quite willing to go up but then I realised that this event is live and my Cardinal may be watching, and I wasn’t sure how he may respond to that,” said Kenyatta, referring to Cardinal John Njue.

More here-

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