Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Religious faith continues to be a driving force behind push for civil rights, Episcopal bishop says in West Haven MLK service

From Connecticut- (with video)

Even during a time when it seems as if “all of the progress that we have made” is being stalled, religious faith continues to be a driving force behind the push for civil rights, an Episcopal bishop said Monday in West Haven’s second Martin Luther King Jr. Day tribute in as many days.

“We are living in a contemporary moment where it seems that all the progress that we have made” is facing “it seems like, from the highest offices ... a consistent pattern of derogatory diminishment,” the Right Rev. Nathan D. Baxter, retired bishop of Central Pennsylvania, said at a tribute to the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The tribute service, of which Baxter was celebrant, was sponsored and organized by the Union of Black Episcopalians’ Southern Connecticut Chapter.

More here-


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