Sunday, March 4, 2018

Anglican Diocese of Niagara elects first woman bishop

From Canada-

On Saturday, the Anglican Diocese of Niagara chose a new leader — the Reverend Canon Susan Bell, who is from Hamilton, will become the first woman to serve as a diocesan bishop since its founding in 1875.

Bell, a priest and former school chaplain will serve as the 12th bishop of Niagara.

The vote took place Saturday. It took five ballots to determine the new bishop out of seven candidates. To be elected, a candidate needed a majority of votes from both clergy and lay delegates. 

'I think it's exciting that we've elected our first woman bishop in the diocese.'

Ann Turner, a priest at St. James Anglican Church in Fergus, Ont. was an organizer of the election, in which 269 people voted.

She told CBC News that the diocese is excited about about the historical election.

"I think it's exciting that we've elected our first woman bishop in the diocese. She's among the first also that's been elected from outside of the diocese," said Turner. 

More here-

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