Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Polygamy not part of Bible teachings: Bishop Ole Sapit

From Kenya-

The Anglican Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit has said the church will oppose any laws meant to legalise polygamy and homosexuality in the country.

While addressing the press on Tuesday at St Crispin ACK Church in Bungoma town, the leader said that the church will not allow marriage of people of same gender or multiple partners.

“The church is very clear through the teachings of the Bible especially the New Testament that one man and one woman make a family. We want to make it clear from the perspective that as a church, a family is one wife and one husband joined together to form a couple and form a family,” said Mr Ole Sapit.

Last week, Kiambu Woman Representative Gathoni Wamuchomba asked able men from the Kikuyu community to consider marrying many wives, and to also put a brake on family planning.

More here-

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