Friday, June 29, 2018

Arizona Church Speaks Out Ahead of Expected Melania Trump State Visit: 'Jesus Doesn't Want Kids to Be in Cages'

From Arizona-

First lady Melania Trump was expected to land in Tucson, Arizona, on Thursday, marking her second trip to visit facilities holding undocumented immigrant families. Ahead of the first lady’s visit, a local church hung two banners affirming their position as to where Jesus would stand on the issue of detaining children. 

Saint Philip's In The Hills Episcopal Church, located about 15 miles from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, where the first lady was expected to fly into from Washington, D.C, posted two banners on a wall outside the church facing a busy intersection, according to Fox 11 News. 

The banners show a photo of a young boy standing next to two people, who appear to be border patrol agents, accompanied by the words, “Jesus doesn't want kids to be in cages."

More here-

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