Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Church thought abuse claims bishop was going to retire, Carey tells inquiry

From England-

The ex-archbishop of Canterbury admitted the Church of England could have been much firmer in ensuring ‘manipulative’ bishop Peter Ball stayed away.

Church intentions to discipline bishop Peter Ball “fizzled out” because officials thought he was a “sick man” who was going to retire, former archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey has said.

The peer later admitted the Church of England could have been much firmer in ensuring the “manipulative” bishop stayed away after he resigned in 1993.

He told the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse that although he did not put pressure on Ball to resign, it was “inevitable” given the police case mounting against him.

The former archbishop, 82, defended a “pastoral” meeting he held with the since-disgraced bishop days after his arrest, saying he wanted to know about the allegations.

The inquiry heard that Ball, who was arrested in December 1992, protested his innocence.

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