Monday, July 30, 2018

Stop politicising Mau issue, Archbishop Sapit urges politicians

From Kenya-

Anglican Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit has urged politicians to stop meddling in the Mau Forest evictions.
He said the water tower is the source of several rivers, and its protection should not be politicised.
“The preservation of Mau Forest should not be politicised. We are seeing politicians from certain communities politicising the issue for their own gain. They should remember that at the top of Mau is the main swamp that distributes water to other rivers,” he said.

“The environment is groaning because people have destroyed it. We urge the President not to relent in the preservation of Mau Forest and other water catchment areas across the country,” he added.
Archbishop Sapit, who hails from Narok, where some rivers whose source is the Mau Forest Complex, said they were beginning to dry up due to uncontrolled human activity.

More here-

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