Thursday, September 6, 2018

Archbishop Welby should spend more time saving his Church from extinction - and rather less copying Corbyn

From The Daily Mail-

The Archbishop of Canterbury is a decent and well-intentioned man. Justin Welby is intelligent, too, and knows about money, having worked in the oil industry before becoming a priest.

Nor is there any question that lots of people in our society feel left behind, or in common parlance 'marginalised'. How else can one explain the astounding success of Jeremy Corbyn despite his obvious weaknesses?

Moreover, as a man of God, Mr Welby has every right to represent the poor, as indeed he should. Jesus Christ spent far more time with the dispossessed than with the rich and powerful.

So I've no quarrel with the Archbishop for speaking up on behalf of those who have no voice. But I'm afraid he is very unwise to have associated himself with a controversial and, I believe, often wrong-headed economic report.

More here-

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