Monday, November 12, 2018

…Bishop on the Niger faces rage of Anambra youths

From Nigeria-

Over 400 youths in Anambra State took to the street recently, to observe a peaceful protest against the Anglican Bishop on the Niger, Onitsha, Bishop Owen Nwoko, following the deepening rift between the State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano and the Anglican Church.

The protesting youngsters described the Bishop on the Niger as an enemy of the state governor, and one who is unfit to lead the Christian body.

They displayed placards that bore different inscriptions such as: ‘Anambra state is peaceful under Willie Obiano;’ ‘Bishop Owen Nwokolo is a politician;’ ‘We say No to Bishop Nwokolo religious politics;’ ‘We Anglicans youth love Governor Willie Obiano;’ and marched to the headquarters of the Anambra Police Command, Amawbia, Awka, the state capital to express their anger over a rift between the state governor and the Anglican family.

More here-

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