Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Anglican Church sacks two priests over alleged homosexuality

From Nigeria-

The Arochukwu/Ohafia Diocese of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) in Abia State has dismissed two priests for allegedly indulging in homosexuality.

A letter entitled: “Notice of dismissal from ministry”, dated April 29, 2019, and signed by Bishop of the Diocese, Rt. Rev. Johnson Onuoha, circulated to all archbishops and bishops of the church said an investigation by the diocese after it got wind of the allegation, confirmed that the two men were neck-deep in the act.

The memorandum which was also copied to the Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria and Bishop of Abuja, the Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh, warned any persons dealing with the expelled clerics to be mindful as such could dent the image of the church.

The letter reads in parts: “We wish to inform you that the following clergy have been dismissed from the diocese of Arochukwu/Ohafia. They are Rev. Chukwuemeka Duru and Rev. Solomon Chukwuzubelu Okonkwo.

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Lambeth 2020, the once in a decade gathering of the Anglican Communion, will show the division between Anglicans worldwide. The Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon) announced in a statement after a meeting of representatives in Sidney (Australia) that a large number of Anglican leaders from Global South countries will not attend the gathering organised by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The reason is the invitation to Lambeth 2020 of partnered gay bishops from Anglican provinces which openly support LGBT practices. “As it currently stands”, a statement issued by the Gafcon Primates Council says, the Lambeth 2020 conference is to “include provinces who continue to violate Lambeth Resolution I.10 thereby putting the conference itself in violation of its own resolution: failing to uphold faithfulness in marriage and legitimising practices incompatible with Scripture. This incoherence further tears the fabric of the Anglican Communion and undermines the foundations for reconciliation”.
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Lambeth 2020, the once in a decade gathering of the Anglican Communion, will show the division between Anglicans worldwide. The Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon) announced in a statement after a meeting of representatives in Sidney (Australia) that a large number of Anglican leaders from Global South countries will not attend the gathering organised by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The reason is the invitation to Lambeth 2020 of partnered gay bishops from Anglican provinces which openly support LGBT practices. “As it currently stands”, a statement issued by the Gafcon Primates Council says, the Lambeth 2020 conference is to “include provinces who continue to violate Lambeth Resolution I.10 thereby putting the conference itself in violation of its own resolution: failing to uphold faithfulness in marriage and legitimising practices incompatible with Scripture. This incoherence further tears the fabric of the Anglican Communion and undermines the foundations for reconciliation”.
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Lambeth 2020, the once in a decade gathering of the Anglican Communion, will show the division between Anglicans worldwide. The Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon) announced in a statement after a meeting of representatives in Sidney (Australia) that a large number of Anglican leaders from Global South countries will not attend the gathering organised by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The reason is the invitation to Lambeth 2020 of partnered gay bishops from Anglican provinces which openly support LGBT practices. “As it currently stands”, a statement issued by the Gafcon Primates Council says, the Lambeth 2020 conference is to “include provinces who continue to violate Lambeth Resolution I.10 thereby putting the conference itself in violation of its own resolution: failing to uphold faithfulness in marriage and legitimising practices incompatible with Scripture. This incoherence further tears the fabric of the Anglican Communion and undermines the foundations for reconciliation”.
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