Saturday, July 20, 2019

Historic cathedral in Sioux Falls is getting a facelift

From South Dakota- (Video)

The worship space at Calvary Episcopal Cathedral is being repaired and refurbished for the first time since 1946. The refurbish is part of the cathedral's 130th anniversary celebration.

he cathedral at about 13th Street and Main Avenue in Sioux Falls was built back in 1887. This was after John Astor the 3rd donated $27,000 to have it built to honor his late wife. While the building has held up all these years, Father Ward Simpson said it was beginning to show its age.

"This was a chance for us as a congregation with the energy we've got currently, to step up, bring some more current artwork into the space, tie in to some more local imagery," Father Simpson said. "I love the imagery we've come up with, tying in local plants and the Niobrara Cross, which is important to us as Episcopalians in South Dakota, and we've come up with a whole package that I think is really wonderful." 

More here-

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