Friday, January 31, 2020

Anglican Bishop Ruwona back in court

From Zimbabwe-

Manicaland Diocese Anglican Bishop, Eric Ruwona, appeared in court on Wednesday for routine remand on fraud charges involving US$700 000 which he, together with three accomplices, allegedly siphoned from church coffers.

He will be back in court again on February 24 when the court is expected to furnish him with a trial date.

Ruwona, who is denying the charges, is out on $15 000 bail.

As part ot the bail conditions he was ordered to report once every Friday at Mutare Central Police Station and not to interfere with State witnesses.

The presiding magistrate, Mr Tendai Mahwe, also ordered him to continue residing at No. 1 Oak Road, Murambi.

Allegations were that the bishop and his three accomplices, who are still at large, hatched a plan to defraud the diocese.

More here-

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