Sunday, April 26, 2020

Switching to online church busted my theology and changed my experience of God

From Dallas-

When I was growing up in rural east Texas, my Baptist grandmother used to tell us we were going to the “church house” on Sunday mornings. “The people are the church; the building is just where we meet on Sundays,” she would explain. At the time it didn’t mean much to me, a seemingly pedantic point that flew over my seven-year-old head.

But today, as my work as communications director at Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration has been upended almost completely, this seems less stilted and more a pure and simple fact.

Last month, my job was transformed from a bulletin-printing, event-promoting, announcement-gathering rat race into one that takes place completely in the digital realm. Instead of in-office appointments and printed drafts to proof, my work is now captured completely in pixels on a screen, coordinated by Facebook messenger and email in equal parts.

More here-

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