Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Clergy robes made entirely from recycled plastic bottles go on sale

From The Church Times-

CASSOCKS and tippets (scarves) made entirely from recycled plastic bottles have gone on sale for the first time, in response to the growing movement away from single-use plastics.

The clerical-wear company Butler & Butler has sourced a fabric made from melted-down plastic bottles, which is formed into threads and then woven into cassocks and scarves.

The end result is a “really soft fabric which is much nicer than reg­ular polyester”, its director, the Revd Simon Butler, said.

Forty recycled bottles are used to make each cassock. The plastic cassocks cost £189, and scarves, £45.

The company began looking for a recycled plastic fabric when stories of pollution caused by plastics began hitting the headlines.

Their range of clerical wear previously included Fairtrade pure-cotton shirts, as well as poly-cotton, which is partially derived from plastics.

“We began asking: is there some­­where that recycles plastics, which we can use? We eventually found a company in India which provides us with a recycled plastic fabric. It is more expensive for us to buy because of the extra process, but it produces a really nice fabric.

More here-


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