Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Royal wedding gets a little Black Girl Magic and a true black sermon

From Detroit-

I booked my ticket to London as soon as the date for the royal wedding was announced. I booked my room at the Marble Arch Marriott, and I began planning what to wear — if you’re standing along a street waiting to see a horse-drawn carriage bearing the sexier of the two Little Princes of Windsor and England's first African American princess.

Some people here in the U.S. tend to fight that title — African American — because of the growing need to disappear the word African from the American lexicon. But like President Barack Obama, Meghan Markle is both black and white, traditional and contemporary, beautiful and smart.

Two weeks before the big day, I cancelled the trip, realizing the impracticality of flying 3,700 miles and spending two mortgage payments to stand in the sun, waiting on a horse named Tyrone.
But as the wedding unfolded, I instantly regretted not being there.

While watching every nuance of a royal wedding that became a black church service, hearing every word Bishop Michael Bruce Curry preached in a universal sermon that might have once stopped a revolutionary war or civil war, I regretted it most.

The wedding became a where-were-you-when moment. The 65-year-old Curry, the first African American elected presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, who preached here in metro Detroit a few years ago, didn’t offer a tepid homily. He preached a hot sermon, one that, if you're a black person in America, you might have heard in your own church.

More here-

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