From Washington State (must be a slow news day)
Thousands of honeybees received some help staying warm this winter.
Members of the St. Philip’s Episcopal Church congregation didn’t want to risk harming the bees by taking the hive down, so late in the year from the top of their church building. They were also worried the bees wouldn’t survive a cold winter. They wanted to do something to help.
So church pastor Mary Allen and members of the congregation started learning about honeybees. They contacted the experts at Washington State University Extension office, Beez Neez Apiary Supply in Snohomish and beekeeper Jerry Mixon in Shoreline.
They learned that bees keep their hive warm by rapidly flexing their wings and that they eat their own honey. They also received advice that they needed to winterize the hive and could help the bees stay warm by putting wood over the exposed side of the hive while leaving the bottom open so bees could travel to and from the hive.
More here-
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