From Pittsburgh-
Five finalists seeking to become the first permanent bishop of Pittsburgh's reconfigured Episcopal diocese have strong records in mediating and listening to people, a church official said.
"We are clearly looking for people who are healers and reconcilers," said the Very Rev. George Werner, former dean of Trinity Cathedral and former president of the house of deputies of the Episcopal Church, the national church's second highest position.
In addition to mediating well, he said, the candidates "are people who build the community." Among the finalists is the Rev. Canon Scott T. Quinn, 57, of Crafton.
Certified church deputies, clergy and designated diocesan leaders will vote Saturday at Trinity Cathedral, Downtown, until a nominee gets more than 50 percent of the vote. Anyone can attend the electing convention and tonight's pre-convention meeting at 7 o'clock at the cathedral.
The bishop will take the job after a fractious decade in which the Pittsburgh diocese split in 2008. Then-Bishop Robert Duncan tried to realign it with more theologically conservative churches that opposed the U.S. leadership's support for keeping abortions legal and the 2003 consecration of openly gay pastor V. Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire.
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