Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Goma Anglican Church, School Damaged in Missile Attacks

From All Africa- (Congo)

Several missiles exploded late afternoon on August 22 in central Goma causing significant damage to St Paul's Anglican Church and destroying three classrooms in the adjacent school.

Claudaline Mikanirwa, the wife of the Rev. Desiré Mukanirwa, Anglican priest in Goma, said in an e-mail to church partners that "one displaced child died on [the] spot... In other places the bombs killed some people. Another bomb reached near our home... and touched a neighboring home but no one was injured. By the time Desiré and the children and other displaced people were at our home, I was still downtown in my shop. But all of us are fine."

Mukanirwa said it would be difficult for people to worship in the church in its current state.

Numerous shells landed in residential areas of Goma on Aug. 22, killing at least four people and wounding 15, all of them civilians, according to an August 24 UN News Centre report.

In an e-mail to ENS, Claudaline simply wrote: "Your prayers are needed."

More here-

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