Saturday, September 28, 2013

Episcopal church keeps homeless center open after New London stops funding, closes shelter

From Connecticut-

After the funeral of a man who died in the woods during the winter of 2006, a group of citizens decided they needed to find a way to provide a warm place for those who have no homes.

"It started as a simple humanitarian response," said Catherine Zall, executive director of the New London Homeless Hospitality Center. "We didn't want people to die outside."

Staff and volunteers have kept open a 50-bed shelter at St. James Episcopal Ch

"People don't stop being homeless at 9 a.m.," Zall said.

urch and a day center at All Souls New London Church that served up to 70 a day, since the city stopped funding its welfare department and closed its emergency shelter in 2005. But the group of concerned citizens soon discovered that the homeless population has a vast array of needs, in addition finding a place to sleep at night.

More here-

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