Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Birmingham church houses beehives to better the environment

From Alabama-

Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church is caring for honeybees as it takes steps to be more sustainable and god to the environment.

The church has three beehives. Church Rector, John Burruss says it’s about more than just keeping bees for honey. 

“One of the values at Saint Stephens Episcopal Church is recognizing that everything in the creative world is sacred. Bees play such a critical role in our health,” said Burruss. “They’re responsible for about 30 to 45 percent of our food. And 90 percent of wildflowers so caring for bees is a way of helping our congregation recognize the importance of caring for creation, and of caring for our food and where it comes from.”

Burruss says the hive is symbolic of the church and its parishioners.

More here-


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