Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Church of England Releases New ‘Ten Commandments’ For The Internet Age

From England-

These commandments were written on a very different type of tablet.

It can be hard navigating the modern world of social media, but thankfully the most modern of organisations The Church of England has decided to step in and help out.

The original Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from Mt Sinai were so helpful in reminding us important lessons like “Thou shalt not murder” and what we should and should not covet.

But those old stone tablet commandments don’t really apply to our online world so we really need some modern twists. Surely, God could speak to a modern Moses and tell him things like ‘Thou shalt not DM an ex after midnight’.

The Church of England have asked Anglicans to pledge to the following online community guidelines, and while it’s not exactly the online ten commandments (because, for one, there are only nine of them), it’s as close as we’re going to get.

More here-


1 comment:

Dr. Pedro de Guzman said...

My favorite: Thou Shalt Not Use Profanity In The Comments Section. LOL! Kind Regards, Dr. Pedro de Guzman