Friday, August 16, 2019

Tree of Life to hold High Holiday services at Calvary Episcopal

From Pittsburgh-

The Calvary Episcopal Church, a paragon of good neighborliness, will serve as host to Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Congregation for all of its 5780 High Holiday services. 

Calvary is located on Shady Avenue, less than a mile from the Tree of Life synagogue building, in the heart of Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood. On Saturday, Oct. 27, the church happened to be filled with parishioners attending its annual fundraiser to help the underserved. The news of the mass shooting targeting people down the street hit them hard, said the Rev. Jonathon Jensen, rector.  

“So, right afterward, the next day, I preached about the shooting and what that might mean, short-term and long-term, and how does a person of faith respond,” Jensen said. 

“In my experience, I have found that often what happens is people will say, ‘Is there anything we can do to help you?’ and it puts the burden on the person who’s hurt,” he said. “I’ve found it is much more helpful to make specific offers of things people might actually need, so the burden is on you to do it rather than the person who is hurting to think of something for you to do.”

More here-

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