"In vino veritas," quoted the Rev. Steven Peay, senior minister at First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa. It's an old Latin proverb that means, "In wine there is wisdom."
That's not to discount beer. Peay said Martin Luther preferred theological discussion over a cold one - er, stein.
In that same tradition, Peay has joined the Rev. Gary Manning, rector at Trinity Episcopal Church, in offering spiritual dialogue to all comers at Village wine bar Vino 100, 1442 Underwood Ave.
The two pastors started the sessions, dubbed Theology Uncorked, earlier this summer as a way to share their mutual fascination with theology and philosophy. The monthly program, held at 7 p.m. every third Wednesday, is part of an ongoing collaboration between First Congregational and Trinity Episcopal.
Looking for 'common good'
About 35 people gathered Aug. 19, a rainy Wednesday evening, for the most recent installment of Theology Uncorked. Most arrived a few minutes early, purchasing a glass of wine before finding a seat with a few others at the bar's small tables.
Manning opened the evening with an Episcopal prayer, asking God to use people to erase hate and divisions, and to crumble barriers.
The two pastors then set up the night's discussion with a brief presentation before Manning asked: "Is there a common good, and if there is, what does it look like? How would you describe it?"
The group responded by chatting with their table-mates while the pastors wandered the room, listening and sometimes contributing to the conversations.
After about 20 minutes, Manning and Peay stopped the discussions for a short group talk before making a few points and asking more questions. Then the table conversations picked back up.
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