Mission is a success for St. Anne's Church
St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Ankeny sent members on a mission trip from July 23 to Aug. 1 at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Kyle, S.D. The group took part in offering a vacation Bible school to about 140 Lakota youths.
The St. Anne mission team members were: Winnie Lejukole, Fr. Bob Kem, Philip Hedges, Joel and Andi Baker, Debra Carlson, Hanna Hagen, Jennifer Hedges, Ali Hedges, Ranzi Bete, Paige Carlson, Melissa Canova, Aljon Bacdayan, Komuri Lejukole, Alli Wittick, and Michael Waddell.
Quotes from students who have returned from mission work:
Lejukole, a college intern at the church, said: "I made great friends, met new Lakota kids and it made me feel good that I am helping others. Every year this trip makes me a better person, growing up as a young adult. It builds me up to be a more mature person."
"The day we gave the kids their backpacks we also said our goodbyes, which made me cry," said Alli Wittick. "Seeing the children and some of the lifestyles they live made me very thankful for what I have. This was my fourth year and I enjoyed the experience very much. I am looking forward to coming back again soon.''
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