From Episcopal Life Online-
During its Feb. 19-22 meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church adopted several resolutions, which are summarized below.
Approve engagement of Grant Thornton, LLP to audit all accounts under the management or control of the council and the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society for 2010-2012 triennium (EC005).Challenge the Episcopal Church to raise a sum of up to $10 million for the long-term rebuilding of the Diocese of Haiti with the final amount and the eventual disbursement of the money to be done in partnership with the bishop of Haiti (EC007).Advocacy and Networking for MissionDirect the Episcopal Church join the Jobs for America Now Coalition (A&N003).Reassert the Episcopal Church's "long-standing belief that war is inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ"; remember "with sorrow those on all sides of the hostilities in Afghanistan who have been wounded, traumatized or killed"; recall the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 that led to military action in Afghanistan; support the goal of just and lasting peace in Afghanistan; welcome the setting of a timetable for withdrawal; urge the U.S. and its allies to use force judiciously and protect the innocent people of Afghanistan; assert that "an escalation in forces need not lead to an escalation in force"; call on the Afghan government to end corruption and strengthen its security forces; encourage the U.S. and its allies to promote economic development and human rights in Afghanistan; pray for the safety and well-being of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, all those who have been wounded, traumatized or killed, and for a swift and peaceful end to the war; urge Congress to provide for the needs of troops and their families; acknowledge the pastoral challenges presented by multiple deployments and combat stress, and commend the Episcopal Church's federal ministries office for its work (A&N004).Instruct the church's treasurer as to how to vote on a variety of shareholder resolutions (A&N005-A&N008).Authorize General Convention planners to negotiate with the Indianapolis Hyatt Hotel for the 2012 General Convention (a matter having to do with concerns over a labor dispute with another Hyatt hotel group to which the Indianapolis property does not belong) (A&N009).The rest are here-
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