Could it be that things are getting better in the House of Bishops?
Diocese of San Diego Bishop Jim Mathes, who originally asked for MacBurney to be disciplined because he conducted unauthorized confirmations in San Diego, told ENS September 10 that the order and discipline of the church had been "maintained and in some way enhanced by this process." "Bishop MacBurney's decision is the result of my efforts and those of others to find a non-judicial outcome to an unfortunate event," Mathes said September 10 in his weekly email to diocesan clergy. "Today, the order of our church and the collegiality of the House of Bishops have been enhanced."
I fear not.
First we get this MacBurney thingy (which turns out to be rather false by the way - he's not sorry for what he did, he apologized for making the Bishop of San Diego feel bad), and then we get the Public Relations article in the Post on "civility" (that's almost funny), and then of course, we get the unscheduled release of Schori's document dump on the House of Bishops today. That wasn't exactly planned. Oops.
Jim - I wholeheartedly support your wanting to stay in the Episcopal Church - somebody's got to do it, it might as well be you, Rocky. You're a good man.
But you do know that real friendships are forged in the trenches and not in the board rooms. You know that, don't you?
BB: Any time you want to join me in this particular trench you're always welcome.
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