From ELO-
The Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music is inviting input and comments about a possible revision of The Hymnal 1982.
According to a press release from the church's Office of Public Affairs, an online survey is now available to engage the entire church in a discussion of whether the church's main hymnal needs revision, the Rev. Ruth Meyers, commission chair, said in the release. The survey is here.
"We have established this survey as part of the Episcopal Church's ongoing work with liturgical materials and in compliance to Resolution B004 as approved at General Convention 2009," Meyers said. "This is important work in the life of our church and we are grateful for participation as our church embraces this task."
Resolution B004 "authorize(s) Church Publishing Incorporated, working with the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, to conduct a feasibility study on the need for revision of The Hymnal 1982 by speaking to congregations, dioceses and all seminaries of this church, and to report its findings to the 77th General Convention."
Church Publishing, which began as the Church Hymnal Corp., is the authorized publisher of worship materials and resources for the Episcopal Church. Its first title was The Hymnal 1918, which is still in print, according to Church Publishing's website.
The survey, coordinated by the Church Pension Fund's Office of Research, will be available online until January 31.
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