From the Washington Post a Reuters piece about Canada's response to the call for a moratorium. Adds a new meaning to "Oh Canada" !
"Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, leader of the global Anglican church, warned on Sunday that the 80-million-member church would be "in grave peril" if the U.S. and Canadian branches did not agree to moratoriums on same-sex blessings and on the ordination of gay bishops.
But the head of the Canadian church, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, told Reuters in a phone interview on Wednesday it would be especially tough for Bishop Michael Ingham of the British Columbia diocese of New Westminster to halt the homosexual blessings altogether."
1 comment:
So? Is the moratorium rejection by some Canadian Anglicans more notable than that same rejection by some Episcopalians like Katherine Schori {that bishops are free to follow conscience in "the birth pangs of something new"} and Jon Bruno {that a moratorium would "disenfranchise" [richly telling terminology] "gay or lesbian persons"}. We learn as much from the way they express their rejection as from their positions, but the likelihood of rejection is as clear in the US as in Canada.
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