Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One sinking ship being lashed to another? Methodist-Anglican unity

From Christian Today-

I had a wonderful and unexpected experience of inter-denominational church unity last Sunday.

At one of our church services, a couple staying on holiday turned up to join in with the worship – which they did with enthusiasm. It turned out they were German – and, while their English was somewhat faltering, it was just about clear enough for us to communicate. At any rate, it was certainly better than my German, which is sadly non-existent.

As we grappled with understanding each other, it gradually emerged that the continental tourists had a real, living faith. They were interested to hear about our Alpha Course – as they were hoping to run one for the first time back home. And they laughed as they said they recognised some of the visual aids used to illustrate the sermon in the powerpoint slides which accompanied it.

More here-

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