Q. If we stay in he Episcopal Church isn't it true that the Diocese of Pittsburgh will never be able to get the bishop we want in the future?
A. There is no evidence that this is true. In the diocese of South Carolina Mark Lawrence received the majority of consents (from Bishops and Standing Committees) the first time they were requested but many of them were submitted in the wrong form. When Standing Committees were asked for them again he received the requested number easily. Further, the Diocese of Dallas recently elected a suffragan Bishop (Paul Lambert) who is conservative and had no problem receiving the necessary consents from Bishops and Standing Committees.
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Since the mid-1980s the following diocese who were once overseen by fairly conservative bishops are now fairly liberal bishops:
WMass, Bethlehem, NE PA, WVA, VA, Alabama, Upper SC, Central Gulf Coast, Florida, Georgia, Lexington, SE Florida, SW Florida, West TN, Milw, W Missouri, NW Texas, Colo, Iowa, Montana, Wyoming, Ariz, San Diego, El Camino Real. That is 25 diocese that moved to the left. Other than Rio Grande and SO VA (Kelshaw and Bane --and both have swung back to liberal) I can't think of one diocese that moved right. The trend in TEO is not in a conservative direction
We might get the kind of bishop you want but not the kind of bishop I want
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